Realtor Information


For Sale Signs

There is no central realtor for the community.  Real estate transactions are handled by the individual home or property owner. Please note that Ellard requires use of a standard real estate for sale sign.  Contact Montage for sign information.

Open Houses

Public open houses are generally not permitted; agents should operate only on a "by appointment" basis.

If an Open House is approved by the HOA Board, the following applies.
Security must be informed of the date and time ahead of the showing.
An agent must be in attendance at all times.
Time period limited to three hours with 7:00 p.m. the latest end time. 
No signs can be posted on Holcomb Bridge or on Ellard streets.                      
Cars must only be parked on the side of the street where the showing is taking place; parking on both sides of the street is not permitted as it creates a safety hazard. 
Open House visitors must not be allowed to wonder and drive around the neighborhood after showing.